We’re pleased to provide an update on the recent progress at St Kilda’s PCYC.   In our last update, the existing dis-used rear shed had been demolished to make way for delivery and installation of a brand new pod – room with living space and a kitchenette.

The SEMZ team are acting as mentors to RMIT University’s capstone Project Management students  as they coordinate completion of the project.  Work onsite is coming along very well.  Joinery has been delivered and installed and students will oversee coordination of landscaping and donation of homewares and equipment to complete the area over coming weeks.

With summer in Melbourne rapidly approaching, we’re thankful to the suppliers and partners who  have partnered with SEMZ and have given their time and resources to help improve the lives of the St Kilda PCYC Rooming house tenants.

For the team down at St Kilda PCYC it’s been an exciting few months of progress and will make a huge difference to interaction and enjoyment of the space.